
2023 DSE Suggested Solutions

 2023 DSE Maths 終於過左喇,如果大家想睇下答案都可以睇下以下既 suggested solutions 架!

當然唔少得 M1 同埋 M2 啦!


2022 DSE Suggested Solutions

2022 DSE Maths 終於過左喇,如果大家想睇下答案都可以睇下以下既 suggested solutions 架!

當然唔少得 M1 同埋 M2 啦!


DSE Suggested Solutions

由於小卒好似暫時上唔到,所以我 post 埋之前打過嘅 DSE Suggested Solutions 黎呢邊等同學溫書啦~

Maths Core

2021 DSE Paper 1            2021 DSE Paper 2

2020 DSE Paper 1            2020 DSE Paper 2

2019 DSE Paper 1            2019 DSE Paper 2

2018 DSE Paper 1            2018 DSE Paper 2
















2021 DSE Suggested Solutions

2021 DSE Maths 終於過左喇,如果大家想睇下答案都可以睇下以下既 suggested solutions 架!

當然唔少得 M1 同埋 M2 啦!


點樣用 random integers 黎 estimate π?

 不如我地試下做少少 experiment 先,求其寫兩個 positive integers,睇下佢地嘅 greatest common divisor(gcd,或者香港學生見開既 H.C.F.)係 1 嘅 probability,比如抽到 $21$ 同 $34$ 就係屬 favourable outcome,抽到 $21$ 同 $35$ 嘅話就唔係一個 favourable outcome。

由於電腦出 random integers 未能做到冇 upper bound 嘅情況,所以我退而求其次,去睇下唔同 upper bound $M$ 嘅結果會係點啦!





The total number of pairs ($N$)




The number of pairs whose gcd is $1$ ($n$)




The probability of getting a coprime pair ($P=\frac{n}{N}$)








不如我地將呢個 process 各重覆 $30$ 次,睇下會點~eh... 咁熟口面嘅,好似同我地熟悉既 π 好似喎!





Sample mean of $\sqrt{\frac{6}{P}}$




Sample standard deviation of $\sqrt{\frac{6}{P}}$




哇,真係好似喎!因為宜家每組有 $30$ 個 data,我地可以 assume 佢地係 normal,咁樣只有 $M=100$ 嘅 case 計到嘅 sample mean 係 significant smaller than $\pi$。

究竟點解呢個數字會咁接近 $\pi$ 呢?

我地可以睇下呢個 probability 可以點樣計出黎先~

首先,我地搵兩個數嘅 gcd 首先會搵左呢兩個數嘅 prime factorization(即小學教嘅質因數連乘式),點樣做到兩個數嘅 gcd 係 1?就係佢地唔會同時係 2 嘅倍數、唔會同時係 3 嘅倍數、唔會同時係 5 嘅倍數、唔會同時係 7 嘅倍數…… 即佢地唔會同時係同一個質數嘅倍數;而因為質數 $p$ 嘅倍數係每 $p$ 就會有一個,所以一個數字係質數 $p$ 嘅倍數嘅 probability 就會係 $\frac{1}{p}$,因此兩個數都唔係質數 $p$ 嘅倍數嘅 probability 就會係 $\frac{1}{p^{2}}$;考慮哂個咁多個 prime numbers,就會得到 $$P=\prod_{p\textbf{ prime}}\left(1-\frac{1}{p^{2}}\right)= \left(1-\frac{1}{2^{2}}\right)\times\left(1-\frac{1}{3^{2}}\right)\times\left(1-\frac{1}{5^{2}}\right)\times\cdots。$$

跟住我地就可以嘗試爆開上面,因為 $0<\frac{1}{p^{2}}<1$,根據 GS sum to infinity,我地知道 $$\frac{1}{1-\frac{1}{p^{2}}} = \sum_{k=0}^{\infty}\frac{1}{p^{2k}}=1+\frac{1}{p^{2}}+\frac{1}{p^{4}}+\frac{1}{p^{6}}+\cdots,$$ 所以我地可以將上面個 product 寫成 $$\frac{1}{P}=\prod_{p\textbf{ prime}}\left(\sum_{k=0}^{\infty}\frac{1}{p^{2k}}\right) = \left(1+\frac{1}{2^{2}}+\frac{1}{2^{4}}+\frac{1}{2^{6}}\right) \times \left(1+\frac{1}{3^{2}}+\frac{1}{3^{4}}+\frac{1}{3^{6}}\right) \times \left(1+\frac{1}{5^{2}}+\frac{1}{5^{4}}+\frac{1}{5^{6}}\right) \times \cdots$$

因為我地小學已經學左嘅 Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic,即每個整數都可以寫成一個 unique 嘅 prime factorization,我地就會見到其實爆開出黎嘅 terms 都係 $\frac{1}{m^{2}}$,而 $m$ 係任何 integers 嘅樣,而且唔會重覆。比如因為 $12=2^{2}\times 3$,所以 $\frac{1}{12^{2}}$ 就可以由第一個 bracket 揀 $\frac{1}{2^{4}}$、第二個 bracket 揀 $\frac{1}{3^{2}}$ 同埋剩餘嘅 brackets 都揀 $1$ 得出,所以 $$\frac{1}{P}=\sum_{k=1}^{\infty} \frac{1}{k^{2}}=1^{2}+2^{2}+3^{2}+\cdots。$$

1735 年,數學家 Euler 發現左 $$\sum_{k=1}^{\infty} \frac{1}{k^{2}}=1^{2}+2^{2}+3^{2}+\cdots=\frac{\pi^{2}}{6},$$ 而呢條式就可以幫我地計到 $$P=\frac{6}{\pi^{2}},$$ 亦因此我地就知道 $$ \pi=\sqrt{\frac{6}{P}} $$ 喇!


當然同學都可以諗下點解當 $M$ 係細數嘅時候,點解 estimate 出黎嘅 $\pi$ 通常會細過 actual value?


2020 DSE Suggested Solutions

2020 DSE Maths 終於過左喇,如果大家想睇下答案都可以睇下以下既 suggested solutions 架!

當然唔少得 M1 同埋 M2 啦!


2020 DSE Maths / M1 / M2 Mock Examination

2020 DSE Maths / M1 / M2 Mock Exam 黎喇!!!

今年既 mock exam 同上年一樣,都係會係九展舉行!

全部考試模式均與真實 DSE 一樣,務求令各位同學可以真正體驗 DSE 既考試氣氛同埋睇下自己係 DSE 數學 / M1 / M2 中既不足之處,從而加以改善。

數學必修部分(Mathematics Compulsory Part)
日期:    2019 年 12 月 27 (星期五)
時間:    08:45 – 13:00(卷一:09:00 – 11:15;卷二:11:45 – 13:00
地點:    九龍灣國際展貿中心

註:        卷一設有兩個版本選擇,Jacky Sir 建議目標為 或以下的同學可選 Version 1,而目標為5* 5** 的同學可選 Version 2,兩個版本的分數會以 Paper 2 的分數調節。

註:        模擬考試中最高分的同學可獲 $150書券;第二高分的同學可獲 $100書券;第三高分的同學可獲 $50書券。

數學延部分(Mathematics Extended Part (Modules 1 & 2))
日期:    20191231(星期二)
時間:    14:15 – 17:00(考試時間:14:30 – 17:00
地點:    九龍灣國際展貿中心

註:        模擬考試中最高分的同學可獲 $100書券;第二高分的同學可獲 $50書券。


1. 一人報考兩科則視作兩人處理。
2. 連同一位 Jacky Sir 學生可享有額外優惠,詳情請參閱 Jacky Sir 學生的團體報名表格

1115日或之前 Early Bird 八折優惠
不購買 2019 DSE Mock Exam Set
購買 2019 DSE Mock Exam Set
不購買2019 DSE Mock Exam Set
購買 2019 DSE Mock Exam Set
6 – 10
11 – 20
> 20

歷屆 Maths / M1 / M2 Mock Examinations

2019 DSE Maths / M1 / M2 Mock Examination

2018 DSE Maths / M1 / M2 Mock Examination

2019 DSE Maths / M1 / M2 Mock Examination Set

如有任何查詢,可以以 Whatsapp 聯絡 Jacky Sir:67093450。


2019 M2 Q9 只用 Core 方法做既話要點做呢?

原來,2019 M2 卷既 Q9 竟然可以只用 Core 方法做到架,而且考核既知識同 2019 Maths Core Paper I Q19 既差唔多,都係 Quaratics、Transformation of graphs、Coordinate geometry、Mensuration 等,就等我地睇下點做啦!


Note that $y=\frac{1}{3}\sqrt{12-x^{2}}$ can give $x^{2}+9y^{2}=12$.
On $\Gamma$, when $x=3$, $y=\frac{1}{\sqrt{3}}$.
Therefore, let $y-\frac{1}{\sqrt{3}}=m(x-3)$ be the equation of $L$, where $m$ is the slope of $L$, i.e. $y=m(x-3)+\frac{1}{\sqrt{3}}$.
Then, we have $x^{2}+9\left[m(x-3)+\frac{1}{\sqrt{3}}\right]^2=12$, which gives $\left(9m^{2}+1\right)x^{2}-\left(54m^{2}-6\sqrt{3}m\right)x+\left(81m^{2}-18\sqrt{3}m-9\right)=0$.
Since $L$ is a tangent to $\Gamma$, we know that in the above equation, we know that in the above equation, $\Delta=0$, implying $\left[-\left(54m^{2}-6\sqrt{3}m\right)\right]^{2}-4\left(9m^{2}+1\right) \left(81m^{2}-18\sqrt{3}m-9\right)=0$ so $3m^{2}+2\sqrt{3}+1=0$. Hence, $\left(\sqrt{3}m+1\right)^{2}=0$ and then $m=\frac{1}{\sqrt{3}}$.
Hence, the equation of $L$ is $y-\frac{1}{\sqrt{3}}=\frac{1}{\sqrt{3}}(x-3)$, i.e. $x+\sqrt{3}y-4=0$.


Note that $y=\sqrt{4-x^{2}}$ gives $x^{2}+y^{2}=4$.
Substitute $y=-\frac{1}{\sqrt{3}}(x-3)+\frac{1}{\sqrt{3}}=-\frac{1}{\sqrt{3}}x+\frac{4}{\sqrt{3}}$ into the above equation, we have $x^{2}+\left(-\frac{1}{\sqrt{3}}x+\frac{4}{\sqrt{3}}\right)^{2}=4$, which implies that $(x-1)^{2}=0$. Hence, $x=1$.
Also, since $1$ is a double root of the equation, we know that $L$ really touches $C$ at $x=1$.
On $C$, when $x=1$, $y=\sqrt{3}$ so the required coordinates are $\left(1,\sqrt{3}\right)$.

By solving $x^{2}+9y^{2}=12$ and $x^{2}+y^{2}=4$, we know that $x^{2}=3$ and since $x>0$, we have $x=\sqrt{3}$. Moreover, since $y=\sqrt{4-x^{2}}\geq 0$, we know that $y=1$.
Hence, the required coordinates are $\left(\sqrt{3},1\right)$.

Note that the $C$ is in fact a quarter of a circle with centre $(0,0)$ and radius $2$.
Moreover, note that the graph of $y=\sqrt{12-x^{2}}$, where $x\in\left(0,2\sqrt{3}\right)$, denoted by $C'$, is a quarter of a circle with centre $(0,0)$ and radius $2\sqrt{3}$ and this graph can be reduced along the $y$-axis to $\frac{1}{3}$ of the original one to the curve $\Gamma$.

Then, we can use the filling method to find the required area.
Let $O$ be the origin, $P$ be the point $\left(3,\frac{1}{\sqrt{3}}\right)$, $Q$ be the point $\left(1,\sqrt{3}\right)$ and $R$ be the point $\left(\sqrt{3},1\right)$.

First, the area of $\triangle OPQ$ is $(3-0)\left(\sqrt{3}-0\right)-\frac{1}{2}(1-0)\left(\sqrt{3}-0\right)-\frac{1}{2}(3-0)\left(\frac{1}{\sqrt{3}}-0\right)-\frac{1}{2}(3-1)\left(\sqrt{3}-\frac{1}{\sqrt{3}}\right) = \frac{4}{3}\sqrt{3}$.

Second, note that if $\alpha$ is the angle between $OQ$ and the $x$-axis, then $\tan\alpha=\frac{\sqrt{3}}{1}$ so $\alpha = 60^{\circ}$ and if $\beta$ is the angle between $OR$ and the $x$-axis, then $\tan\beta=\frac{1}{\sqrt{3}}$ so $\beta=30^{\circ}$ so $\angle QOR=60^{\circ}-30^{\circ}=30^{\circ}$. As a result, the area of the circular sector $OQR$ of $C$ can be given by $\pi (2)^{2}\times\frac{30^{\circ}}{360^{\circ}}=\frac{\pi}{3}$.

Third, note that the region bounded by $\Gamma$, $OP$ and $OR$ can be obtained by reducing a circular sector of the $C'$ along the $y$-axis to $\frac{1}{3}$ of the original one so the area of the former is $\frac{1}{3}$ of the latter. Before the reduction, the coordinates of $P$ and $R$ are $\left(3,\sqrt{3}\right)$ and $\left(\sqrt{3},3\right)$ respectively, denoted by $P'$ and $R'$ respectively. Hence, if $\gamma$ is the angle between $OP'$ and the $x$-axis, then $\tan\gamma=\frac{\sqrt{3}}{3}$ so $\gamma=30^{\circ}$ whereas if $\delta$ is the angle between $OR'$ and the $x$-axis, then $\tan\delta=\frac{3}{\sqrt{3}}$ so $\delta=60^{\circ}$. Hence, $\angle P'OR'=60^{\circ}-30^{\circ}=30^{\circ}$. As a result, the area of this region can be found by $\pi \left(2\sqrt{3}\right)^{2} \times \frac{30^{\circ}}{360^{\circ}} \times \frac{1}{3} = \frac{\pi}{3}$.

Consequently, the required area is $\frac{4}{3}\sqrt{3}-\frac{\pi}{3}-\frac{\pi}{3}=\frac{4}{3}\sqrt{3}-\frac{2\pi}{3}$.


Parabola (拋物線) 是甚麼?

【雖然以下既內容係 out of syllabus,但其實中間應用既只係將一d within syllabus 既知識拓展多少少,Jacky Sir 本人中二/三都有學呢d,所以大家高中生應該都冇問題既~ 即管試下睇下吧~~~】

係 Maths Core 我地成日都會講 parabola,但究竟 parabola 係咩黎既呢?我地經常話 $y=ax^{2}+bx+c$ (where $a$, $b$ and $c$ are real constants with $a\neq 0$ 既 graph 係一條 parabola,但…… 其實我地開口埋口講既 parabola 又係咩黎? 其實數學裡面有一種 curve 叫做 conic sections,即係係一個 double infinite right circular cone 用一塊 plane 黎 cut 出黎既 curve,就好似下圖咁:

Figure 1: A figure showing different types of conic sections
[Source:  Calculus by Douglas F. Riddle, Wadsworth, Inc. 1984.]

當中最後一個 case 就係個 plane 岩岩好 touch 到個 cone 係一條 straight line(下右一)上面,而將呢個 plane translate outward 少少就會出 parabola(上右一)喇!當然,我地 formal d 講既話,就會係個 plane 同 vertical plane 形成既角同個 cone 既 semi-vertex angle 係 equal(semi-vertex angle 即係個 cone 係 apex 道形成既最大既角 $\div 2$)

但呢個 parabola 又有d 咩特別?點解其他既 graph,比如 $y=x^4$ 既 graph 點解就唔係 parabola?

Figure 2: A figure showing the graph of $y=x^{4}$

咁我地就要 investigate 下 parabola 既 properties 喇!

Figure 3: A Figure showing the idea of the situation

係上面個圖道,$O$ 係 double cone 既 apex,$\Pi$ 就係一個同 vertical plane 形成既角同 semi-vertex angle 一樣既 plane,所以就可以 cut 成一條 parabola $p$,裡面既 sphere 就 armarm 好畫到同個 cone($\Pi$ 向住 $O$ 既 half plane 個邊)touch 而且亦同 $\Pi$ touch 係 point $F$ 既 plane,個 sphere 同個 double cone 既 intersection 係一個 circle $c$,而個 circle lie on 既 plane 我地叫佢做 $\Omega$ 

如果 $P$ 係 $p$ 上面既一個 moving point,而 $A$ 就係 $OP$ 同 $c$ 既 intersection,$B$ 係 $P$ 係 $\Omega$ 上面既 projection,$C$ 係 $P$ 係 $\Pi$ 同埋 $\Omega$ 既 intersecting line(denoted by $l$)上面既 projection

由我地係 3D solids 有關 projection 既知識話比我地聽,$\angle PBA = \angle PBC = 90^{\circ}$。

另外,$\angle PAB$ 同 $\angle PCB$ 都係 semi-vertex angle (by the definition of parabola),所以:

\angle PAB &= \angle PCB && \text{(proved)} \\
\angle PBA &= \angle PBC && \text{(proved)} \\
PB&=PB && \text{(common side)} \\
\triangle PAB &\cong \triangle PCB && \text{(A.A.S.)} \\
PA &= PC && \text{(corr. sides, ~}\triangle\text{s)}

由我地既 tangent properties 可以知道 $PF=PA$,因此我地就知道 $PF=PC$,即即我地搵到 $\Pi$ (parabola $p$ 屬於既 plane)上面既一點 $F$ 同埋直線 $l$ 令到 parabola $p$ 上面既任何一點同 $F$ 以及同 $l$ equidistant,因此呢個就係 parabola 另一個 definition(當然實際上都要調轉再 prove 一次,但由於時間關係,你地都可以自己試下架):

A parabola is a curve such that there exists a point $F$ and a line $l$ such that every point $P$ lying on the parabola is equidistant to $F$ and to $l$.

咁呢句又點樣帶番落我地平時既 quadratic graph 道啊?咁我地就要用 locus 既方法喇!頭先上面個句正正就係 locus 既句子黎。所以我地就可以 let $P=(x,y)$ 先,而我地就想個 $l$ 係 horizontal,所以我地就 set $P=(a,b)$ 同埋 $y=k$,where $k\neq b$, $a$, $b$ and $k$ are real constants。

\sqrt{(x-a)^{2}+(y-b)^{2}}&=\sqrt{(x-x)^2+(y-k)^{2}} \\
(x-a)^{2}+(y-b)^{2}&=(y-k)^{2} \\
(2b-2k)y&=(x-a)^{2}+b^{2}-k^{2} \\
y&=\frac{1}{2b-2k}\left(x^{2}-2ax+a^{2}+b^{2}-k^{2}\right) && (\because k\neq b)

咁我地就出到條 parabola 喇!!!

但…… 點解我地叫 parabola 做拋物線既?咁我地就要用下 F.4 上學期既 mechanics 喇!

係 projectile motion (當然係 without air resistance 啦) 裡面,如果一個 object 由 $(0,0)$ 呢個 point 開始擲出,initial velocity 係 $u$,inclination 係 $\theta$,咁我地就有 \[ \begin{cases} x = ut \cos\theta \\ y = ut \sin\theta - \frac{1}{2} gt^{2}\end{cases}.\]

由第一條 equation 可知,$t=\frac{x}{u\cos\theta}$,sub. 番落第二條式就見到 $y=x\tan\theta - \frac{gx^{2}}{2\cos ^{2}\theta}$,而因為 $g$、$u$ 同埋 $\theta$ 係拋左個 object 出去已經係 constant,所以 $y$ against $x$ 既 graph 就會係 parabola,所以 parabola 既中文名就係「拋物線」喇!

今日講到咁多,希望大家都會知道大家學緊既 parabola 其實係點黎啦~


Maths Core / M1 / M2 Semi-mock Examination 7 for 2020 DSE

黎緊 5 月 26 日同埋 6 月 2 日就會舉行模擬考試喇!

Maths Core Mock:2019 年 5 月 26 日 08:45 - 13:00
M1 Mock:2019 年 6 月 2 日 08:45 - 11:30
M2 Mock:2019 年 6 月 2 日 08:45 - 11:30

試卷模式將會與 DSE 真卷一樣,不同的只是考試範圍。


總科次 為 1:$150/科
總科次 為 2:$140/科
總科次 為 3 至 5:$120/科
總科次 為 6 至 10:$100/科
總科次 為 11 或以上:$80/科

【此費用已包括 試前練習、批改試卷、試卷詳解、整體表現報告 及 個人表現報告。】

即刻 click 入黎報名啦: