係 Maths Core 我地成日都會講 parabola,但究竟 parabola 係咩黎既呢?我地經常話 $y=ax^{2}+bx+c$ (where $a$, $b$ and $c$ are real constants with $a\neq 0$ 既 graph 係一條 parabola,但…… 其實我地開口埋口講既 parabola 又係咩黎? 其實數學裡面有一種 curve 叫做 conic sections,即係係一個 double infinite right circular cone 用一塊 plane 黎 cut 出黎既 curve,就好似下圖咁:
Figure 1: A figure showing different types of conic sections
[Source: Calculus by Douglas F. Riddle, Wadsworth, Inc. 1984.]
當中最後一個 case 就係個 plane 岩岩好 touch 到個 cone 係一條 straight line(下右一)上面,而將呢個 plane translate outward 少少就會出 parabola(上右一)喇!當然,我地 formal d 講既話,就會係個 plane 同 vertical plane 形成既角同個 cone 既 semi-vertex angle 係 equal(semi-vertex angle 即係個 cone 係 apex 道形成既最大既角 $\div 2$)
但呢個 parabola 又有d 咩特別?點解其他既 graph,比如 $y=x^4$ 既 graph 點解就唔係 parabola?
Figure 2: A figure showing the graph of $y=x^{4}$
咁我地就要 investigate 下 parabola 既 properties 喇!
Figure 3: A Figure showing the idea of the situation
係上面個圖道,$O$ 係 double cone 既 apex,$\Pi$ 就係一個同 vertical plane 形成既角同 semi-vertex angle 一樣既 plane,所以就可以 cut 成一條 parabola $p$,裡面既 sphere 就 armarm 好畫到同個 cone($\Pi$ 向住 $O$ 既 half plane 個邊)touch 而且亦同 $\Pi$ touch 係 point $F$ 既 plane,個 sphere 同個 double cone 既 intersection 係一個 circle $c$,而個 circle lie on 既 plane 我地叫佢做 $\Omega$
如果 $P$ 係 $p$ 上面既一個 moving point,而 $A$ 就係 $OP$ 同 $c$ 既 intersection,$B$ 係 $P$ 係 $\Omega$ 上面既 projection,$C$ 係 $P$ 係 $\Pi$ 同埋 $\Omega$ 既 intersecting line(denoted by $l$)上面既 projection
由我地係 3D solids 有關 projection 既知識話比我地聽,$\angle PBA = \angle PBC = 90^{\circ}$。
另外,$\angle PAB$ 同 $\angle PCB$ 都係 semi-vertex angle (by the definition of parabola),所以:
\angle PAB &= \angle PCB && \text{(proved)} \\
\angle PBA &= \angle PBC && \text{(proved)} \\
PB&=PB && \text{(common side)} \\
\triangle PAB &\cong \triangle PCB && \text{(A.A.S.)} \\
PA &= PC && \text{(corr. sides, ~}\triangle\text{s)}
另外,$\angle PAB$ 同 $\angle PCB$ 都係 semi-vertex angle (by the definition of parabola),所以:
\angle PAB &= \angle PCB && \text{(proved)} \\
\angle PBA &= \angle PBC && \text{(proved)} \\
PB&=PB && \text{(common side)} \\
\triangle PAB &\cong \triangle PCB && \text{(A.A.S.)} \\
PA &= PC && \text{(corr. sides, ~}\triangle\text{s)}
由我地既 tangent properties 可以知道 $PF=PA$,因此我地就知道 $PF=PC$,即即我地搵到 $\Pi$ (parabola $p$ 屬於既 plane)上面既一點 $F$ 同埋直線 $l$ 令到 parabola $p$ 上面既任何一點同 $F$ 以及同 $l$ equidistant,因此呢個就係 parabola 另一個 definition(當然實際上都要調轉再 prove 一次,但由於時間關係,你地都可以自己試下架):
A parabola is a curve such that there exists a point $F$ and a line $l$ such that every point $P$ lying on the parabola is equidistant to $F$ and to $l$.
A parabola is a curve such that there exists a point $F$ and a line $l$ such that every point $P$ lying on the parabola is equidistant to $F$ and to $l$.
咁呢句又點樣帶番落我地平時既 quadratic graph 道啊?咁我地就要用 locus 既方法喇!頭先上面個句正正就係 locus 既句子黎。所以我地就可以 let $P=(x,y)$ 先,而我地就想個 $l$ 係 horizontal,所以我地就 set $P=(a,b)$ 同埋 $y=k$,where $k\neq b$, $a$, $b$ and $k$ are real constants。
\sqrt{(x-a)^{2}+(y-b)^{2}}&=\sqrt{(x-x)^2+(y-k)^{2}} \\
(x-a)^{2}+(y-b)^{2}&=(y-k)^{2} \\
(2b-2k)y&=(x-a)^{2}+b^{2}-k^{2} \\
y&=\frac{1}{2b-2k}\left(x^{2}-2ax+a^{2}+b^{2}-k^{2}\right) && (\because k\neq b)
咁我地就出到條 parabola 喇!!!
但…… 點解我地叫 parabola 做拋物線既?咁我地就要用下 F.4 上學期既 mechanics 喇!
係 projectile motion (當然係 without air resistance 啦) 裡面,如果一個 object 由 $(0,0)$ 呢個 point 開始擲出,initial velocity 係 $u$,inclination 係 $\theta$,咁我地就有 \[ \begin{cases} x = ut \cos\theta \\ y = ut \sin\theta - \frac{1}{2} gt^{2}\end{cases}.\]
\sqrt{(x-a)^{2}+(y-b)^{2}}&=\sqrt{(x-x)^2+(y-k)^{2}} \\
(x-a)^{2}+(y-b)^{2}&=(y-k)^{2} \\
(2b-2k)y&=(x-a)^{2}+b^{2}-k^{2} \\
y&=\frac{1}{2b-2k}\left(x^{2}-2ax+a^{2}+b^{2}-k^{2}\right) && (\because k\neq b)
咁我地就出到條 parabola 喇!!!
但…… 點解我地叫 parabola 做拋物線既?咁我地就要用下 F.4 上學期既 mechanics 喇!
係 projectile motion (當然係 without air resistance 啦) 裡面,如果一個 object 由 $(0,0)$ 呢個 point 開始擲出,initial velocity 係 $u$,inclination 係 $\theta$,咁我地就有 \[ \begin{cases} x = ut \cos\theta \\ y = ut \sin\theta - \frac{1}{2} gt^{2}\end{cases}.\]
由第一條 equation 可知,$t=\frac{x}{u\cos\theta}$,sub. 番落第二條式就見到 $y=x\tan\theta - \frac{gx^{2}}{2\cos ^{2}\theta}$,而因為 $g$、$u$ 同埋 $\theta$ 係拋左個 object 出去已經係 constant,所以 $y$ against $x$ 既 graph 就會係 parabola,所以 parabola 既中文名就係「拋物線」喇!
今日講到咁多,希望大家都會知道大家學緊既 parabola 其實係點黎啦~